Sérialité et transmédialité. Infinis des fictions contemporaines

Claire Cornillon, Sérialité et transmédialité. Infinis des fictions contemporaines, Bibliothèque de littérature générale et comparée No 155. Seriality and transmediality are two fundamental facets of contemporary fiction which tend to go beyond the boundaries of forms, genres and media. The aim here is to attempt to rethink certain categories of literary theory in the light…

Coups de griffe, prises de bec

Coups de griffe, prises de bec, la satire dans la presse des années trente, les Impressions Nouvelles, 2018, under the direction of Amélie Chabrier and Marie-Astrid Charlier Coups de griffe, prises de bec is presented as a beautiful book on satire, textual and visual, in the French-speaking press of the thirties, set in a long…